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First to boldly go,

Last to bloody arrive…


Callum MacMahon commands the Earth's first starship.  Risking it all on a century long, one-way trip, his daring crew have said goodbye to everyone and everything.  They awake, ready to colonise a virgin world…


Except they've been beaten to it.


This can happen when you sleep on the job and humanity is handed a hyper-drive.


The would-be explorers encounter a society that is secure and content, yet set in its ways and less than bright.  In charge is an Artificial Intelligence who cares for them as it sees fit.  After all, it knows best and it's entirely for their own good.


Callum's crew could choose a peaceful life.  They could just go find the nearest bar.  But with no way back and something clearly wrong, do they have the right to interfere?


And what will happen to them if they do?


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    ISBN: 9781963832068 (paperback)
    ISBN: 9781963832204 (ebook)

    Publication Date: March 11, 2025
    Price: $16.95
    Pages: 314

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