Submission Guidelines
Our first request is that you READ some of the books we have previously published. This is the best way for prospective authors to get a feel for the types of work we will publish as well as our editor's tastes and what we like in a story. We are a small publishing company without the resources of the larger publishers. If we accept your manuscript for publication, we will work in partnership with you to get the book into hands of readers. We have national distribution through IPG Books and we look for targeted marketing that will inform readers about your book. While we will do everything we can to promote your work we expect the AUTHOR to be involved in many aspects of promotion, including being the primary person who will reach out to set up interviews, book signings, reach bloggers, perform social media outreach, etc. We provide assistance and resources where we can, but if you expect us to do EVERYTHING after you have been published, then you are not the right fit for us. We pay royalties on a quarterly basis (per our contract) and we do not pay advances.
Artemesia Publishing publishes primarily fiction for general audiences for both adults, YA, and juvenile (Middle Grade) audiences. We do not publish children's picture books. On rare occassions we will publish non-fiction titles, however we ask that you first approach us with a proposal for any non-fiction title. For fiction, we will consider proposals for manuscripts in most genres, however we will not accept any work that contains erotica, sexually explicit, or other hard-core material. We do not publish poetry and we do not publish short story collections unless it is a part of an anthology that we ourselves have decided to publish. We encourage you to review the Titles section of our website to help determine whether your book is appropriate for our publishing goals.
We are looking for well-written, entertaining manuscripts that can capture a reader's attention. Your story should be both informative and engaging to the reader. We love unique stories with stong characters and plots that haven't been done a million times before. However, it must still grab our attention. If you don't hook us in your pitch, make us want to read more, then we will not request a full manuscript.
For non-fiction books the topic must have broad, long-term appeal. The sources you rely on must be thoroughly documented and not infringe on any existing copyrights. You are responsible for supplying all photographs, maps, and other graphics your book may need.
We do accept unsolicited proposals from authors and literary agents.
We DO NOT accept any manuscripts that have been written using Artifical Intelligence (AI) large language models. These programs steal from authors to feed the model and we do not condone these measures.
Do not send your entire manuscript unless we ask for it. We do accept simultaneous submissions. We do not accept reprints.
In the body of the email tell us the genre of your book, who your target audience is, what are the comparable titles to your book, and pitch your book to us in 30 words or less.
Include the first two chapters of your manuscript either as an attachment or included in the body of the email. If submitting your work electronically, the sample chapters should be in a Word (.docx) or Rich Text (.rtf) format. If you can hook us with the 30 word pitch then we will read the sample material. If not, then we may skip the sample chapters. We only want to publish titles that will excite and entertain our editor and are looking for high quality stories.
Your submissions can be sent via regular mail at the address below, or may be emailed to us at the email address below.
If you follow the submissions guidelines we will try respond to your proposal within six to eight weeks, however we have been experiencing a higher than normal amount of submissions so it may take longer. Proposals that are sent to us that do not follow these guidelines will not be read and will not be replied to. Please send us an email if you have any questions.
Send your proposal to:
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