Shadow Dragon Press

Kinkajou Press


Author Information

Titles List

Author Information

Ricardo Victoria
Ricardo Victoria Photo
Born in the frozen landscape of Toluca, Mexico, Ricardo dreamed of being a writer. But needing a job that could pay the rent while writing, he studied Industrial Design and later obtained a PhD in Sustainable Design, while living in the United Kingdom. There, he did a few things besides burning the midnight oil to get his degree:

-Trained in archery near Nottingham

-Worked in a comic book store to pay for his board game & toy addiction

He is back now in Toluca, living with his wife and his two dogs where he works as an academic at the local university. He has short stories featured in anthologies by Inklings Press and Rivenstone Press and he was nominated to a Sidewise Award for the short story 'Twilight of the Mesozoic Moon', co-written with his arch-nemesis, Brent A. Harris.

Check out Ricardo's author website: SciFantastique.

Titles from Ricardo Victoria

Titles Published by Artemesia Publishing:

Tempest Blades: The Withered King
Tempest Blades: The Cursed Titans
Tempest Blades: The Magick of Chaos
Tempest Blades: The Root of Hope

Short Stories in Anthologies

Tales from the Tower

Tales from the Universe

Tales from Alternate Earths - featuring Ricardo's Sidewise nominated short story "Twilight of the Mesozoic Moon" co-authored with Brent A. Harris.

Tales of Wonder

Tales from the Underground

The Quantum Soul

Gods of Clay

Gunsmoke and Dragonfire

Tales from the Pirate Cove

Tales from Alternate Earths III

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Artemesia Publishing, 9 Mockingbird Hill Rd, Tijeras, NM 87059